Review of sixthreezero
May 17, 2024
Sold used tricycle as new
They sent me a tricycle that someone had previously tried to assemble and damaged where a bolt went in. It also had small scratches in various places, a wheel out of true, and the rear basket was missing pieces. Customer service said I could get touch up paint that closely matches it as they don’t provide any and the color isn't available in the US and they would reimburse me- so my brand new bike would have spots of off color paint. They could send me a new basket but couldn’t offer anything else other than a full return. So I have to dismantle and send back the bike and if I want a new one, buy a new one and again assemble it. The customer service didn’t offer anything for the inconvenience even though I have bought multiple bicycles from them. The customer service I received was horrible and where the bolt was damaged they said I could use touch up paint even though that bolt held the frame together where the rear two wheels meet the front frame (it’s a tricycle remember) even though that could pose a safety issue. I took pictures of all of this and sent them along with the issues I found. It has been an infuriating experience to say the least.
Receipt photo:
Date of experiance: May 17, 2024