Jeff Munk
Review of GreenZone Bikes
Jeff Munk
Oct 28, 2014
Custom Service - Building Relationships
I bought this commuter bike to fill a specific need and it fit the bill peerfectly. I'm even quoted on Greenzone's website as very satisfied customer. But don't ever discount customer service. It's as important as the bike you're riding.
Firstly, I've had my Greenzone for over 2 years. It got me from the train station to the office without having to wait for our company's shuttle van. So I was able to spend more time in the gym at the office. On the reverse trip, I was able to get to the train station faster than waiting for the shuttle and was able to catch an early express back home. These folding bikes get down small enough to board trains that otherwise would not permit full-size bikes during busy hours.
Now, over time I would be remiss it I didn't say things happen with all that back and forth. I had over 1,400 miles on my meter before I had to reset it. But this is where customer service comes in. Whenever I had a problem, I contacted Greenzone and Alan was kept apprise of what was going on. In my case, I'm a tinkerer so I fixed my own stuff but over time, Alan felt it only fair to cover my costs. WOW!
That's how you build relationships. My biggest suggestion is if you have any problems, don't hesitate to keep the lines of communication opened. That's how you get great service.
Receipt photo:
Date of experiance: Oct 28, 2014