Allen Leiderman
Review of The Neat Company
Allen Leiderman
Apr 26, 2018
It seems that something happened to my…
It seems that something happened to my neat scanner that caused my Dell labtop to no longer work.I then used another computer using Windows 10 Home Edition to set up my Neat Scanner. I signed up for the premium 30 day trial and within that time, the scanner did not scan docujments to the Neat Software nor to the Cloud. Technicians signed onto my computer twice and were unsucceessful. After a week not hearing for them, I puchased an Epson desktop scanner and chalked up a major loss of older importants documents to Neats inabilitgy to find a solution. Yes I had backup, but that porbably only would work with Neat software.
Receipt photo:
Date of experiance: Apr 26, 2018