Francis McArthur
Review of DriveSolutions.com
Francis McArthur
Feb 24, 2016
I only trust you guys
using the EZ Upgrade Center to find memory stick for my Acer 4339
you were the only part finder that had the Acer 4339 listed . so order the part, 4gb memory. when installed the start up went blue screen error ! OH NO! So called up, explained problem. My Acer 4339 is really
a Acer 4339-2618 . Opps. we sent the wrong memory ,3 days later
replacement , worked great . thanks again my tech neighbor would have never figure out the right memory stick to order from " newegg " since 2004 my first DELL XP up grade with bigger hard drives and more memory I only trust you guys
Receipt photo:
Date of experiance: Feb 24, 2016